New Patient Registration

How to Register with the Practice

We welcome new patients who live or move to the practice catchment area. You can complete the registration form online, on NHS app or by visiting our registration link. Alternatively you can attend the surgery and complete a registration form. You can also download and complete the form to handover to the practice. We will contact you once you have been registered at our surgery. Here is the guide how to register with a GP surgery. Registration process can take up to 14 days however it is usually much sooner than this.

Please note that we register patients within the surgery boundary but we do consider the need of patients from the new development in the area. If you are unsure, please speak to our reception team.

On joining the practice you may be required to see the Health and Care Assistant for a New Patient Assessment. If you are taking any repeat medication, we ask that you request a months supply from your previous practice before registering with us. This is to ensure you have sufficient medication whilst the practice awaits your medical records.

Complete the PRF1 Form to register with a GP. You can print and fill in the form and return it to the practice you want to register with.

You can also get a copy of this form from the practice or download it

Register online using the NHS website

Registration will be faster and easier if you have your personal information ready. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number to register online with a GP.

You’ll be asked:

  • for your name and address
  • for the name and address of the GP you’re registered with now, if there is one
  • for your NHS number, if you know it
  • for the name and address of an emergency contact
  • for the name and address of your carer, if you have one
  • about your medical history
  • about allergies you might have
  • about medication you might be taking
  • for a way to contact you like a phone number or email address

If you need to use a GP surgery away from home for a short period, you can register with a GP surgery as a temporary resident.

Practice Boundary

We are accepting new patients. If you are unsure whether your home is within our service boundary or feel you need assistance, please contact the surgery. If you live outside of the practice boundary, please check if you can still register with practice outside of your area. Please see the link for further information.

You can also register permanently with some GP surgeries outside your local area with few exceptions.
This can be helpful if you want to use a GP surgery near your work instead of your home or prefer the services of a GP surgery that’s further away.

Preferred Practitioner

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

You have a right to see a particular GP if you so wish but you may have to wait to see your preferred GP and it may not be possible for you to see them in cases of urgent consultations.