Travel Advice & Immunisations

If you require advice about any future travel including recommended vaccinations relating to foreign travel, you can book an appointment with the Practice nurse to discuss.

You will need to complete a form giving information about the travel you intend to take. You can download the Travel Vaccination Form or collect one from the surgery. Please complete the form as fully and accurately as possible and bring to your appointment with the practice nurse.

It is important that you plan ahead and book your appointment with the nurse a minimum of 8 weeks before your planned travel.

There may be a cost for certain vaccinations which the nurse can advise you of at the appointment.

Travel Health Questionnaire

To help us offer the appropriate advice, please fill out the online form before coming to see the nurse.

Travel Questionnaire

Travel Questionnaire

Please complete the form below to get more information about what travel immunisations you require. Most vaccines are given at least 2 weeks before travel, and some more complicated regimes take longer. Please try to give us prior notice (preferably 6 weeks).
Date of Birth
Women Only: Is there any possibility you may be pregnant?
UK Departure Date
Please enter a number from 0 to 99999.
Further Information
Purpose of your trip
Holiday type
Planned Activities
Are you fit for travel?
Do you have any allergies?